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Apostolic Thanksgiving (Philippians 1:1-5)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 50:29
Apostolic Confidence (Philippians 1:6-8)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 45:32
Apostolic Intercession (Philippians 1:9-11)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 43:19
Gospel Progress (Philippians 1:12-18a)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 38:10
Courage for Christ (Philippians 1:18b-20)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 49:15
Fruitfulness for Christ (Philippians 1:21-26)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 35:23
Gospel Citizens (Philippians 1:27-28)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 48:39
The Sufferings of this Present Time (Philippians 1:29-30)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 46:41
The Humiliation and Exaltation of Christ (Philippians 2:5-11)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 46:51
Bright and Blameless Children (Philippians 2:14-18)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 50:28
A Proven Servant (Philippians 2:19-24)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 44:16
A Suffering Servant (Philippians 2:25-30)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 41:15
The True Circumcision (Philippians 3:1-3)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 49:38
True Gain (Philippians 3:4-7)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 48:57
True Righteousness (Philippians 3:8-9)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 44:31
True Power (Philippians 3:10-11)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 44:18
Pressing On (Philippians 3:12-14)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 38:37
Thinking Maturely (Philippians 3:15-16)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 38:52
Imitative Walking (Philippians 3:17-4:1)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 52:25
Having the Mind of Christ (Philippians 4:2-3)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 41:48
Protective Peace (Philippians 4:4-9)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 52:40
Giving and Thanksgiving (Philippians 4:10-23)Brad Hoffman
00:00 / 56:08
Elk community church

40022 N Elk Camden Rd

Elk, WA 99009



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